Testimony 1593


Testimony 1593

Age Range / Віковий діапазон

Gender / Стать

Marital Status / Сімейний стан

Occupation Status / Окупованість територій

Forcibly Displaced / Переміщена особа

Date of Testimony / Дата опитування


Date Range / Проміжок часу

War Testimony / Досвід війни

During the last survey, I changed a lot morally. A lot has been experienced, and a lot has changed in my life; although I still live with my relatives, I feel like a different person. I didn't go to a psychologist but decided to work on my own by meditating, reading books, and developing my own business. I continued to work as a confectioner and baked cakes to order, primarily for the sake of earning, but at the beginning of the war, I definitely thought that the confectioner life was over. Life continues, and I am grateful that I dared to start from scratch. And in more than a year, I have already made more than 100 cakes and various desserts! Basically, my clients are also immigrants from different parts of Ukraine who also fled the war to [CITY1]. My main specialization is children's cakes, with various cartoon characters, because homemade cakes are not the cheapest thing that can be ordered. People are not willing to spend money on it for themselves. So, for example, if adults prefer not to spend extra money, then it is best to try to please the children with a beautiful, bright cake! And this, I believe, is the great strength of Ukraine in the struggle for a happy childhood for our children, our future generation. Also, all this time in the occupation in the Kherson region, I have relatives who cannot leave there, and we are grateful to God for the opportunity to hear them. Every day, we wait for a call, and their voices say that there are very loud, constant explosions. It is very difficult to hear from relatives because you understand how tired they are, how hard it is for them, and that you cannot help them in any way - this is the suffering that everyone who has relatives in the occupation has to go through! Another friend of mine is currently in [CITY2], which is under shelling from the Russians every day. I begged her 100 times to leave, but she did not want to; she said that her home was there, and I accepted her decision as an adult, but it is also constant nerves that must be experienced. Against the background of stress, I developed sebopsoriasis, which is a disease that cannot be cured, only treated with various ointments and drugs. The main reason why it occurs is stress. And I am sure that this horror of daily stress will manifest itself in the health of every Ukrainian.During the last survey, I changed a lot morally. A lot has been experienced, and a lot has changed in my life; although I still live with my relatives, I feel like a different person. I didn't go to a psychologist but decided to work on my own by meditating, reading books, and developing my own business. I continued to work as a confectioner and baked cakes to order, primarily for the sake of earning, but at the beginning of the war, I definitely thought that the confectioner life was over. Life continues, and I am grateful that I dared to start from scratch. And in more than a year, I have already made more than 100 cakes and various desserts! Basically, my clients are also immigrants from different parts of Ukraine who also fled the war to [CITY1]. My main specialization is children's cakes, with various cartoon characters, because homemade cakes are not the cheapest thing that can be ordered. People are not willing to spend money on it for themselves. So, for example, if adults prefer not to spend extra money, then it is best to try to please the children with a beautiful, bright cake! And this, I believe, is the great strength of Ukraine in the struggle for a happy childhood for our children, our future generation. Also, all this time in the occupation in the Kherson region, I have relatives who cannot leave there, and we are grateful to God for the opportunity to hear them. Every day, we wait for a call, and their voices say that there are very loud, constant explosions. It is very difficult to hear from relatives because you understand how tired they are, how hard it is for them, and that you cannot help them in any way - this is the suffering that everyone who has relatives in the occupation has to go through! Another friend of mine is currently in [CITY2], which is under shelling from the Russians every day. I begged her 100 times to leave, but she did not want to; she said that her home was there, and I accepted her decision as an adult, but it is also constant nerves that must be experienced. Against the background of stress, I developed sebopsoriasis, which is a disease that cannot be cured, only treated with various ointments and drugs. The main reason why it occurs is stress. And I am sure that this horror of daily stress will manifest itself in the health of every Ukrainian.
За час останнього опитування я надзвичайно змінилась морально. Багато пережито, багато змінилося в житті, хоча я і далі живу з рідними, але в середині наче інша людина. До психолога я не зверталась, вирішила вигрібати самостійно, медитації, читання книг, розвиток власної справи. Я продовжила займатися кондитерською справою та пекти торти на замовлення, в першу чергу заради заробітку, але на початку війни точно думала, що з кондитеркою вже покінчено, але життя продовжується і я вдячна собі, що наважилася почати все з нуля, і більш ніж за рік часу вже зробила понад 100 тортиків та різних десертів! В основному мої клієнти це теж переселенці з різних куточків України, які також тікали від війни саме в [МІСТО]. Основною моєю спеціалізацією є дитячі торти, з різними героями мультфільмів, адже домашні торти це не найдешевше річ, яку можна замовити, і люди не охоче витрачають на це кошти, тому, якщо для себе на день народження, наприклад, дорослі воліють не витрачати зайві кошти, то дітей переважно намагатися порадувати гарним, яскравим тортом! І в цьому, я вважаю, велика сила України, в боротьбі за щасливе дитинство наших дітей, нашого майбутнього покоління. Також весь цей час в окупації в Херсонській області у мене знаходяться рідні, які не можуть виїхати звідти, і ми вдячні Богу за можливість їх почути, щодня чекаємо дзвінка і їх голосу, кажуть що дуже гучно, постійні вибухи. Це дуже тяжко чути від рідних, адже розумієш, як вони втомилися, як їм тяжко, і що ніяк не можеш їм допомогти - це страждання, які доводиться переживати всім у кого рідні в окупації! Ще одна моя подруга зараз знаходиться в [МІСТО2], який щодня під обстрілом рашистів, я 100 разів благала її виїхати, але вона не хоче, каже, що там її дім, і я прийняла її рішення, як дорослої людини, але це теж постійні нерви, які доводиться переживати. На фоні стресу у мене розвинувся себопсоріаз, захворювання, яке не можливо вилікувати, тільки залікувати різними мазями та препаратами, адже основне чому воно виникає це стрес. І я впевнена, що цей жах щоденного стресу ще проявить себе в здоров'ї кожного українця..


“Testimony 1593,” Narratives of War, accessed September 18, 2024, https://now.omeka.net/items/show/1427.